Emparro ACCUcontrol: Keeping machines running | Murrelektronik

november 23, 2018

Emparro ACCUcontrol: Keeping machines running

Few things are as irritating (or expensive) as unplanned downtimes of plants and machines. The Murrelektronik UPS-module Emparro ACCUcontrol extends the powerful Emparro power supply system and keeps machines running by switching smoothly to battery operation in the event of a mains power failure. The investment in a UPS system frequently pays for itself the first time downtime is avoided.

The Murrelektronik UPS-module Emparro ACCUcontrol

External lead batteries with a capacity of up to 40 Ah are connected to the UPS module to ensure prolonged outages. Upon the application, a 20 A or a 40 A variant can be chosen. The module can be installed without tools, and the 20 A variant takes up an extremely small amount of space in the cabinet with a width of only 65 millimeters.

Predictive maintenance – Be alerted before the failure

Emparro ACCUcontrol continuously monitors the internal resistance of the connected batteries. When a limit is exceeded, the device sends a warning signal over a signaling contact. The battery replacement can then be planned for the next scheduled service. This predictive information prevents unplanned downtimes and avoids the need to arrange for service visits at short notice.

Maximum life time

Batteries like low temperatures. They supply more power and last longer under such conditions. Emparro ACCUcontrol, therefore offers temperature-guided battery charging. This feature adapts the end-of-charge voltage to the ambient temperature, helping ensure that the battery achieves its maximum service life, even at higher ambient temperatures.

Simple connection to IPCs

Emparro ACCUcontrol can be easily connected to an industrial PC via Mini-USB.

  • The industrial PC can then be shut down in a controlled manner in the event of a power outage.
  • The mains voltage and the charge state of the battery can be monitored in real time.
  • Operating statuses can be documented in a log.
  • The operating parameters are easy to configure.

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